Welcome to Resourceful Mind! Through my extensive experience in teaching design, engineering, graphics, food and textiles, I've developed resources that make topics easy to understand. My materials include clear visuals, simple explanations, and engaging tasks to reinforce learning and support learners.
Welcome to Resourceful Mind! Through my extensive experience in teaching design, engineering, graphics, food and textiles, I've developed resources that make topics easy to understand. My materials include clear visuals, simple explanations, and engaging tasks to reinforce learning and support learners.
1 to 2 lessons covering product design laws and legislation
Easy to follow info slides
5 tasks
Mini reviews
Exit card
2 Stretch 6 mark GCSE Style question activities
I needed a cover Design and Technology lesson that was going to be taught by a Maths teacher so I created this. Hope its useful to someone else as well.
Cover lesson task or Homework
News article on Bionics with arguments for and against
Key Definitions task
Comprehension questions
60 word summary create an argument for and against.
Introduction to extrusion for the lesson after introduction to injection molding.
Lesson objectives
Video link
Animated process
Advantages and disadvantages
Mini Review
Exit ticket
One of lesson explaining the effects of emerging technology.
The lesson helps students identify the positive and negative effects and the prepares them for GCSE exam questions.
The lesson contains exam style questions and explains how to access the low and high marks.
Main lesson
2 Tasks
Exam question mark breakdown
6 exam questions from 1 - 6 marks
Exit card
Follows on from emerging technology lesson on technology push, market pull and consumer choice.
A selection of posters for your DT classroom.
Jobs in DT
Famous designers/ engineers
DT vocabulary and Welsh words
All editable
Btec Engineering Learning Aim A Automated Engineering
A power point presentation with starter activity, notes, video links, tasks and plenary that cover this learning aim
Here is a scheme of learning for a Design and Technology unit that aligns with the principles of the Curriculum for Wales. This Scheme of Learning (SOL) has been carefully crafted to be accessible for delivery by a non-specialist teacher in a general-purpose classroom over the course of a term. It provides a clear outline of the learning objectives, detailing the rationale behind the selected activities. Additionally, the scheme integrates essential skills, encourages critical thinking, and addresses common misconceptions. It includes prerequisite knowledge, comprehensive assessment rubrics, lesson overviews, and a curated list of key vocabulary to support both teaching and learning throughout the unit.